Bosch Power Tools

// Overview

RFP - Landing Page
Adobe Photoshop
1 Month
Desktop / Mobile

This project was done for Simon/Myers LLC. This landing page was one element of a broader RFP project. The goal was to help them develop a story that shows concrete workers why the Bosch system of concrete power tools, accessories, and measuring tools will deliver the best work experience. The target audience was concrete workers, foremen, and other construction related professionals. Activation examples were made to align to the current What Hard Workers Deserve campaign.

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Bosch Power Tools

// Discovery

RFP - Landing Page
Things I Did

• Researched Bosch and other power tool brands to see how they treat tool “families”

• Familiarized myself with Bosch’s branding and their power tool website framework

• Gathered a variety of Bosch and other brand assets to create a mood board and reference sheet

• Utilized AI tools, such as ChatGPT and Relume, to get a basic structure of the landing page in place

Final campaign direction still needed to be developed
Short window of time to create all campaign assets
Telling a story with product details while driving to the online store
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Bosch Power Tools

// Design

RFP - Landing Page
Things I Did

• Redesigned the Relume wireframes to include actual content/sections we needed

• Began creating high-fidelity designs based on the wireframe, but realized it wasn’t quite working

• Redesigned multiple sections to tell a clearer story and include more interactive elements

• Implemented the new “Zero Cracks” campaign slogan and elements

• Researched deeper into the concrete system of tools and relevant accessories to include

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Bosch Power Tools

// Launch

RFP - Landing Page
Final Thoughts

• Created Figma components and variants to prepare for prototype

• Prototyped webpage functions and interactive elements in Figma

• Exported frames and screen recording for proposal presentation

• Bosch had very positive feedback for the landing page and overall campaign design

case study is private

Request access to this case study by contacting Stephen Johnson directly.